This campaign slogan of Biden that Trump is a "threat to democracy" is getting stale. Among other problems with the slogan is Trump's age. How many people become dictators at age 78 and get there by a popular vote?

Sheesh, even full time SNL cannon fodder and part time dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco, died at age 82. Trump has a knack for reinventing himself, but he's a bit long in the tooth to become dictator at his age.

I suppose we'll next hear that his VP Nicki Haley is dictator-in-waiting. Uh huh.

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Indeed. And what did Trump ever do in his first term that was dictatorial? How did he undermine democracy — by appointing several Supreme Court Justices that the left doesn’t like? The argument is idiotic.

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Wonderful, thorough and thought provoking. I loved the comparisons and reminder that Nemesis is the goddess of retribution

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Thanks, Jakki. I think of “her” as the embodiment of Justice — Lady Justice with “roid rage,” as it were. It has been said that “Justice delayed is justice denied,” but she represents that human conviction (hope?) that justice is inexorable. Sooner or later, one way or another, it comes about. It’s like a law of physics.

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